Informed Consent
“Knowledge becomes power when we put it to use.”
It's time to take the saying knowledge is power one step further. That knowledge means nothing until it drives us to actually change or create change. Change can be hard but is often important for us to move forward and make better decisions concerning our own health and the health of our loved ones. The knowledge that drove me to start making a change concerning what I put in and on my body, came from watching the documentary 'The Human Experiment'’ Before that, I had never given much consideration to the products I was using and the food I was eating. Watching this documentary completely changed my perspective, and I now consider it a flex point in my life.
The importance of informed consent around the products we use cannot be stated enough. What is especially concerning is that we, as women, use, on average 12 personal care products per day containing over 150 individual ingredients. These ingredients are often easily absorbed through the skin and then make their way into the bloodstream. Another tidbit of information is that of the more than 80,000 chemicals that are used in personal care products, we know that over 14,000 of them are considered to be industrial chemicals. Industrial chemicals are known to have catastrophic consequences when used consistently over time, and somehow, they are allowed to be included in products we use EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I say this not to scare you but hope that perhaps this letter can be a flex point for you. Being an informed consumer is so important, especially when corporations aren't in the business of putting you and your health first. You must take matters into your own hands. The good news is that the clean product industry is rapidly growing as more people become aware of what is in their conventional products.
Remember, knowing is only half the battle; it's time to put our knowledge to use.
To Start
If this seems overwhelming, and I know that it can, the best place to start is with products you use every day. For personal products, think deodorant, toothpaste, hand soap, etc. For the home, think dishwasher detergent, all-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, etc. Don't feel like you need to rummage through your cabinets throwing away everything in sight. Start small and build over time.
To Avoid
It is also important to focus on the top tier of toxic chemicals that are pervasive in many conventional products.
The short list: parabens, phthalates (fragrance/parfum), PFA’s, PEG’s, SLS, Triclosan, & Formaldehyde)
These types of chemicals are plasticizers, hormone disruptors, carcinogens, and are toxic to the nervous system. In other words, things you don't want to be rubbing on your body or ingesting!
To Choose
Below are several of my favorite swaps for conventional products. Please explore.
Deodorant, I imagine (and hope ;) ), is a permanent staple in your routine. Keeping bacteria and sweat at bay is no easy task, but it doesn't take a catalog of industrial ingredients to do so. In addition to containing most of the "to avoid" ingredients, if your conventional deodorant is labeled as an antiperspirant, it probably contains aluminum too. Aluminum is known to cause cell mutation and can increase the rate of tumor growth. This is especially concerning because your lymph nodes are located near where you apply this every day.
There are many great clean deodorants on the market now, but my favorite is Native (unscented). I've been using it for years after trying and hating so many. Attitude, Beautycounter, and Earth Mama are other great brands. They all have a 1 rating on, which is one of my go-to resources when looking to find new non-toxic items.
Click the image above to try Native!
For Your Children
Your children's body wash may smell nice, but it certainly isn't hitting the sweet spot. Our children's skin is especially sensitive when they are young, so it is important to make a switch to a natural and non-irritating body wash/shampoo if you haven't already! The biggies to steer clear of are obviously Phthalates (fragrance), PEG's, and any ingredient ending in paraben.
Babo is my absolute favorite. They also make a lavender bubble bath that raises the bar for bath time! It's an easy switch to make and one that will pay off dividends.
Click the image above to try Babo!
For Your Family
It's time to ditch the tide (or whatever regular detergent you're using)! Filled with dioxane, phthalates, and a ton of other chemicals that are not only detrimental to your health but also to the environment. Instead of washing down the drain, these chemicals attach to your clothing and then it rubs and absorb into your skin as you wear your clothing throughout the day.
I was a little hesitant switching to a powder detergent, but Molly's Suds (unscented) gets the job done and only contains 4 ingredients! Proving you don't need a literal laundry list of chemicals to get your clothing clean as a whistle.
Click the image above to try Molly's Suds!
For Your Home
If you're like me and find yourself constantly wiping down your counters or dining table the ingredients of this product are not only coming into contact with your hands, but sitting on the table surface and coming into contact with your children and your food. Therefore, making the switch to a non-toxic all purpose cleaner should be at the top of the list!
My absolute favorite is Attitude, made with safe, plant-derived ingredients. I am not only obsessed with this cleaner but their dish, hand soaps, and stain remover cannot be beat!
Click the image above to try Attitude!
1. EWG
2. The Human Experiment
3. My favorite clean beauty stores.
Credo, Goop, & Detox Market